Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Terrible. Chanel is bad enough as a name, but it's much better than this.
This spelling is better.
I think Chanelle is a beautiful name. I named my daughter Chanelle and throughout her life people have commented on how beautiful her name is. I love that my daughter has a name that not every twentieth girl is called. Chanelle has never had anyone in her class sharing her name.
I think it's a pretty name. Chanelle is actually quite beautiful. I would name my daughter Chanelle if I ever had any.
Chanelle is even uglier than Chanel.
I actually really like this variant. It has the same beauty as Chanel, yet this spelling isn't *automatically* associated with a perfume brand. I think Chanelle has more "mystique" than Chanel.
I like this. Yeah, it's the name of a perfume/clothing brand but Chanel was a name before that. It has a pretty sound and I think this is a cute spelling of it.
I'm NOT naming my daughter after a perfume brand.

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