Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Uh, every name is invented, FYI. Charnette just reminds me of charnel house and that's why I dislike it. Not because I think it's "made up," which is a ridiculous reason not to like a name.
It’s not great but it’s not THAT bad, it just looks like a combination of Charlotte/Charla and Anette or Antoinette. I wouldn’t use it but I definitely think it’s better than a lot of modern names like Everleigh.
Hideous and made-up.
Based on my findings and own personal impressions, this isn't an inherently "bad" name and it seems to be rather misunderstood. While I personally won't use it for my future children, I wouldn't hate on anyone who chooses to do so. It's not nearly as bad as my fellow commenters are making it out to be. A far worse name, in my opinion, would be "Abcde" and is an actual name being used more frequently. Give it a chance and be more helpful with your impressions. Just because something may sound "ghetto", doesn't mean it is. Do your research and form an educated opinion.
Hideous, just hideous. No wonder the meaning & history say it’s an invented name!
Sounds like the name of a cheap liquor or perfume that chavs would buy.
A fail. I pity the unfortunate with cruel parents that named them Charnette.
Sounds like it would've fit a character in "Boogie Nights."
A made up name. Wow, I'm just blown away. I didn't think anyone was dumb enough to do that, but it looks like I was wrong.
I've got a tip for you, folks: if you want a sophisticated, elegant name for your daughter, don't try to make one up. You can't. Just go for the ones that already exist and try something that doesn't sound like a brand name. Now there.
The name sounds too invented, and it has a rather weird sound to it as well. All in all, I don't like any names ending in -ette.

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