Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It's a beautiful name, I personally like it better than Claire or Clara, it's unique but I probably wouldn't choose it.
The French pronunciation makes this name sound heavenly, but I'd stick to the British pronunciation, which is also beautiful. It's a quiet and soothing name.
I see why people like it but I personally don't, it reminds me of lice.
I agree this name is so pretty pronounced KLAR-ihs. But kla-EES is the adorable and bubbly and classic pronunciation. You can't go wrong with this name.
I forgot about this name. I love it. It sounds very sophisticated, elegant, and royal like.
This is one of my favourite names! I like it to rhyme with 'Paris'.
Also, some use the nickname Reese.
My best friend is called Clarice, and I think it's nice! Her twin is called Candace, but that's, like, so slob! Anyway I don't think Clarice should be thought of as Claire or Clare because it's not the same! My BF hates it! Oh, anyway it's also like MODEST, as in the meaning. And... (Take a deep breath)... there's a cartoon character named Clarice Bean. I think it's a book for kiddos.
I hate this name. It sounds too much like a name trying to sound classy and elegant. Nope.
I really like this name when pronounced the traditional (and typically British) way, "KLA-ris", but I do not like the French pronunciation (which has been largely adopted by Americans too), "klə-REES". English-speakers pronouncing their names in a French manner can also seem a bit pretentious.I don't think "KLA-ris" sounds too masculine for girls, as it is reminiscent of other pretty and feminine names like Paris and Iris. I really hope the traditional pronunciation for Clarice comes back in to fashion SOON!
Clarice is a great name. So classy, and it ages well.
Clarice is a very beautiful name. Very delicate but also dignified. I have always loved this name and could not care less about the Silence of the Lambs thing. The character was strong and intelligent anyway. Very much the way I would envision a Clarice to be.
Clarice is my middle name and I love it. It reminds me of the movie Silence of the Lambs and sounds like a really pretty princess. The main reason I like it though is because no one where I live has that name so it seems special to me.
A lovely classy name - if I had another daughter I would call her Clarice.
Love this name! The only problem is everybody will say "Good evening, Clarice."
It's a nice and uncommon name. As for that "Good evening Clarice" joke I have never heard of that until now so I wouldn't worry about that.
I like this name and it rhymes with Paris.
The name Clarice sounds so pretty and feminine. And very "royal".

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