Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I personally don't like it, if I had to choose an -inda name, it would be Linda, Belinda or Melinda.
Love this better than Lucinda.
Never heard this name before. Odd and harsh sounding.
FYI Clarinda is an old name that was somewhat popular in the 1800's in the United States. It's a nice alternative to the over used names like Melinda, Clarissa, etc. That said, I think it's a nice name that certainly deserves some recognition.
I don't understand the hate for this name--it's beautiful. Here, that somewhat "harsh" suffix -inda actually works. A name like Clarissa gets a lot of love though, while I think that (other than Elissa) most names ending in -issa are prissy and obnoxious. I find Clarinda much better.
What an unfortunate bastardization of Clara. I dislike all names ending in -inda, be it Melinda, Loucinda, or whatever. They're ugly somehow.
"Heeeeloo, my name is Clareeenda. And I am fah better than you!"
I apologize, this is just my impression of Clarinda. It sounds kind of snobby, you have to admit.

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