Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I'm usually not into names like this, but I surprisingly think Clayton is an okay name.
*yawn* boringggg.
To me this just seems like a strong name. If a man has this name he must be a beast. The guy I became friends with
on the Appalachian trail with this name is a tall, strong guy who packed a lot more than what was necessary, earning the nickname “Sir Plus”.
A surname. Surnames tell stories and the national origin of your family.The redneck comment below is uncalled for and unkind.
This name seems very trendy, and I also met someone very unpleasant with this name. I am not a huge fan.
It is alright.
It sounds like a redneck name. And the nickname Clay is just as dumb, who would want to be called something that is so similar to dirt? When I hear this name, I picture someone who wears a cowboy hat, has a hick accent, and chews tobacco. Ugh.
I have the best name, Clayton.
I can't stand this name. It's ugly and way too surnamey. I find the name Clayton dumb, odd and weird.
Actually, I've changed my mind about the name Clayton. I don't find it ugly anymore. This is quite a cool name. :)
It's a really cool middle name, but a very ugly first name.
I love this name! It's absolutely gorgeous and masculine! I love the nickname Clay, too. It makes me think of a quiet, intelligent, and very handsome cowboy.
I'm not crazy about this name, but it's not bad. The thing is that it reminds me of Adam Clayton from U2, and while I don't know the guy, I sure don't like U2. Also, the name is a bit surname-y.
Clayton is a pretty good name for a boy. The name makes me think of someone who is kind and down to earth.

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