Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Lol love the name Cletus. Not because it's a good name but because it makes me laugh every time I hear it. Never naming my kids this, but it's so country and funny it makes me laugh every time.
Ew. Rhymes with fetus.
Sounds gross.
Can you even get more redneck than this? Lmao.
Cletus Spuckler completely ruined this name for me.
Sounds like Fetus.
So hillbilly/redneck!
I HAVE A SON NAMED CLETUS AND LOVE IT I also have a Jethro, well Calvin Jethro but he goes by Jethro because that's what he has chosen. Yes, I live in Kansas no, I don't care if people think their names are crazy, lol. I also have a Tehya and Evan and one more on the way.
Sounds like some sort of body part.
Yuck. The Simpsons character comes to mind first, and it sounds way too close to the word "clitoris". It sounds quite trashy anyway.
I don't really like this, I mean, call me a pervert but it reminds me too much of "clitoris" for me to like it as a name.

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