Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I never thought of it as old-fashioned, but I guess it is. It's one of my favorite names ending with -land. The Cleve part isn't nice by itself, as it reminds me of Cleavage (which is a surname, but has come into modern usage as 'breasts'). I don't think that a kid called Cleveland would be picked on for it though, and you don't have to live in Ohio to use it. It's not just a place name. It's a surname, and it hasn't gotten snatched up by the surnames-as-first-names trend yet. Perfect. :D.
I've heard better city/country/state names before!
Meh... it's okay.
Ugly and kind of dated. Also reminds me of the Family Guy character.
Reminds me too much of Cleveland from Family guy.
If you used that where I lived, it would not be taken seriously, given how close the city is. I mean I get Sofia and Florence, but Cleveland?
It is not a good city or name.
Why would you name a child after a city?
City names are plain weird. What if the guy hates the place when he's older? What if you have to move and the kid has to live in a place where people hate the city? Besides, this name is old-fashioned big time.
This is a cool name not in use anymore, bring it back!

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