Comments (Meaning / History Only)

Clio was one of the nine Muses, daughter of Zeus and Titaness Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory. Clio is the Muse of History, and is usually depicted with an open scroll or seated by a set of books. Also known as the "proclaimer, glorifier, and celebrator of history, great deeds, and accomplishments".
Clio was a muse. Her name means 'to celebrate', 'to praise', 'to acclaim'. She was the goddess of the arts. As a muse, she was known for heroism, poetry, and history. She has the title of 'The Proclaimer'. She is credited for introducing the Phoenician alphabet into Greece. An asteroid was named after her, discovered on August 25, 1865. Her mother was Hyacinth and fathered by Zeus. She married Perus, the king of Macedonia, part of modern Greece, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia. Worshipped in Greece and Macedoina.

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