Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think this would be a cute name for a character's younger brother. I can see it as a middle name for a real person but not as a first name.
I really like this name! I think it works for a little kid as well as an adult. I love the singer Conan Gray which is not WHY I like the name, but I'm not mad about it :)
Decent name.
This name is adorable, the meaning is super cute and I think it can age well, but I especially love it on a young boy with maybe fair hair or black hair.
I'll favor Conan over Cohen.
Absolutely love this name, I named my own son Conan in 2002 when he was born-his surname is also of Irish descent, many people in Ireland pronounce it Connan as if it has a double n but I say it as Conan as in Arthur Doyle- it's a unique name the meaning is hound, wolf. I know of only one other lad with this name in the city I live in.
This is a great name.
This is a nice name.
The name Conan is awesome! The meaning "wolf" is bloody cool in my opinion! :D ♥ I'm not very familiar with "Conan the Barbarian" that the commenters on BtN keep mentioning- maybe because I'm young? I strongly associate this name with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. :)
I really like this name. I like using it because it has an unofficial attachment to me because my last
name is Holmes. I'm thinking of using it in a sibset of Conan, Sachie, and Raelyn.
Not particularly keen on this. It makes me think of Conan O'Brien. I find him very annoying, and he has ruined this name for me.
Oh please, nobody in this generation even knows of Conan the Barbarian anymore. While I do think of Conan O'Brien upon hearing this name, it's kind of a cute name, in my opinion.
No one in this generation? Speak for yourself--I'm 18 as of now, and Conan the Barbarian is the first thing that comes to mind when I hear this name. In fact, I have to think hard on whether or not I know anybody else with this name. And that's usually when Conan O'Brien pops in my head.Not that I even think it's a bad reference. But Conan the Barbarian, admittedly, is a lot to live up to--especially if your son winds up looking nothing like the character (like, he winds up being much thinner and more studious). But it's still a good name.
I love this name, althought it may be a little down to my obsession with names that have "wolf" in their meaning somewhere. I plan to use it as a character name in my piece of fanfiction.
I would like the name if it wasn't for Conan the Barbarian and Conan O'Brien.
As of right now, this seems to be one of the only names my husband and I can agree on. We both rather like it. It's not my favorite name, but it's definitely grown on me and I'd love to use it sometime if we have another son. The "barbarian" and "O'Brien" references do not bother us at all.The only problem I've encountered with this name is that no one else seems to be 'head over heels' for it. When asking around about the name pretty much all the responses were "I don't like it, but I don't hate it." I think it's a name that doesn't jump out at you, but will grow on you in time.

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