Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Pretty. It would be cool if it would be spelled Condolcezza or Condoliza.
I absolutely adore Condoleeza Rice. She is beyond brilliant! Should be our President. I’m sure that her parents must have been house hunting while Mrs. Rice was pregnant. I’m sure that they planned to name their baby Lisa. I’m thinking that they might have seen a condo that they fell in love with. In their excitement, their daughter was born… and they (in a chorus of joy and love!) said,” she has to be Condoleeza!”.
I think Condoleezza Rice is super cool.
Such an awful, ugly, name. I can't stand the look or sound of it. It's utterly horrible.
Awful name, and it is too long for really any person.
Very ugly.
This name recalls "Condolence", when we give condolences to a family of the dead.
The spelling makes it out to feel a lot worse than it really is. Maybe it's because of the association with such a high government position, but the name sounds to me actually kind of refined.
This name is totally made up & really crappy. I'm serious, who came up with this? It's kinda long & sounds terrible. I feel sorta sorry for Condoleezza Rice.
Weird name. I'd just rather call Condoleezza Rice "Condi".
Condoleezza Rice's name is terribly misspelled and mispronounced; it's "dolezza" and it's pronounced "dol-AY-tsah".
I think this is a very ugly name. It looks tossed together. Condolcezza or Condulcesa wold be better.

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