Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Some will probably dislike this idea, but as I was pondering alternative nicknames for Constance (I couldn’t use Connie for personal reasons), I thought of Cosy. Maybe it’s a stretch but I think it’s sooo cute! Cosy Constance! I think it would be sweet for a little girl, just until she grows into Constance.
Another nickname, traditional for Constanze, is Stanzi. And Coco is cute too!
One of the few virtue names I can tolerate.
My absolute favorite virtue name, and it would be very unique and beautiful today. One of my top pics.
For a while, I didn’t like this name. Then, I met a teen girl named Konstance, and my mind changed entirely! Constance is a cool, beautiful name with history! Connie is also an adorable nickname. I think it would be a cool, unexpected name for a child today.
Very elegant sounding. Love it!
If I were to give my child a virtue name, which I am not a fan of generally, this would probably be it.
I really like this name very much! It's really beautiful when it's pronounced or written and it's so eye-catching! Love the -nce ending.
Virtue names tend to captivate me. Constance is a graceful name that invokes strength without sounding masculine. The nickname Connie is so pleasant, but most of the time I'd prefer to hear the full name.
This name makes me picture someone who's wearing a pinafore, cooking apple pie for dinner by the hearth. When dinner is over, she sits by me at the fireplace and covers me with a blanket. I'm not picturing a kid, but sometimes the old-fashioned names are the best. I asked my dad if he liked the name, and he said, "yes, it has a good sound to it. Like CONNNNNN-staaaance!". When he said that, I felt so warm and cozy. Therefore, I love this name. Stick to the nickname Connie when your daughter is in first grade or below. Constance may sound too grown-up on her.
Absolutely gorgeous :)
It's strong, but feminine names can be strong. Because we don't discriminate with gender, right?
I actually kind of like this name. It sounds so pretty and friendly and reminds me of summer for some reason. Dunno why people think it sounds like "constipation".
I don't really like this name, but it is probably the best virtue name.
I really like this name, it sounds elegant but real. It makes me think of someone who always does the right thing, but maybe is a little annoying too.
This is my absolute favourite name- I'm gonna name my future daughter this. Connie is just gorgeous.
I used to dislike this name but now I LOVE IT! Something about the “nce “ at the end of a name is just gorgeous. Constance is elegant and fiery, someone to be reckoned with. I don’t much care for “Connie” though.
Lots of people don't like it, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE the name Constance. It makes me think of love, peace, friendship, joy and laughter. I don't know how anyone could not like Constance. A personality to fit it would be quiet, pretty and popular. But with a short name funny, kind and smiley.
One of my best friends is called Constance. We call her Connie for short. I LOVE both of these names. My best friend is pretty and funny and kind-hearted. Now I associate Constance and Connie with these virtues.
I like the name because of the actress Constance Towers, who is a beautiful, gracious, and elegant woman, so I associate those characteristics with the name.
This is my mom's name. She goes by Connie because it's a long name.
Sounds like constipated, lol.
I like the name but then it is my name. I'am 58 years old and in the 6th grade we had 3 Constance's in my class with two of us having the same last initials so I always had to write my first and last name on all my papers. I have never gone by a nickname and was always told my name meant forever faithful, never-ending, steadfast. It is a strong name for a strong woman.
I really like this name. It's pretty and has a good meaning. But I hate the nickname Connie-it feels old-lady and boring.
At first, I thought this name was kinda weird as it reminded me of a "constable" (a police officer) but after saying it some more times, I've now gotten over that and like the name Constance. :)
Constance has always been my favorite girl name and I plan on naming my first born daughter this name. It's such a beautiful, strong name. And it works on a child as well as a strong, independent and confident young woman. I first heard the name in the mini-series "North and South" on the character Constance Flynn Hazard (who I must admit was my favorite character) and I absolutely adored it ever since!
Rather than lack of change, I think it is supposed to connote loyalty, steadiness and dependability.
Doesn't the word Constance mean a lack of change? Why is that something you would want to name your daughter? Isn't change healthy?
The name Constance was given to 161 baby girls born in the US in 2012 :)
I actually really like this, it's so unique! I've always wondered where the nickname Connie came from. But honestly, I prefer the full name Constance.
I love the name Constance. I guess because my name is Constance... but yeah I love it because I can go a hundred places and probably only find like one person with my name... well our name :D I love the name, it's awesome.
What a cool name. Reminds me of a beautiful, coldhearted woman.
This name has always appealed to me. So classy. I might give it as a middle name.
I love the name Constance since I was 15. It is absolutely beautiful.
There was an extremely rude girl in my class once named Constance, so she sort of turned me off this name. Also, I prefer the form Constanza better.
As a child, I grew up with the 1993 movie "The Three Musketeers" (with Charlie Sheen, Kiefer Sutherland, and Tim Curry, among many others), and it's still one of my favorite movies today. And ever since I first saw the movie, when I was -- 5 years old? -- I have loved the name Constance. Always have, always will. I think it goes particularly nice with Heather.
I personally love this classic sounding name, but like others have said I really cannot stand Connie. I would prefer the nickname Stanzie, or just not use a nickname at all.
My mom's name is Constance and her nickname is Connie. She always signed down on paper as 'Constance'. When I was a little kid I thought it was 'Constant'. I used not to like the name because I thought it was a word, but then now I really like the look and sound of it. Not a lot of Constances are out there.
I don't get why people immediately bring up 'constipation' and how this name makes them think about constipation. Oh sure, the name can remind you of the word 'constipation'. But it can remind you of words like 'constitution', 'construction', and, most likely and obviously. CONSTANCE! I mean, it does sound far nicer than some silly names that some people have actually used on their poor kids like Eternity. The name's a bit old-fashioned, and I hate the nickname Connie, but it's far from tacky, trashy, or immature. I picture the name on a rather pale woman with dark eyes and long, dark curls.
Constance is my name I've always hated having pet names and especially hate being called Connie. I feel proud to have it as my name, it's so strong and determined to me. I don't know why my parents called me this since I'm half German and half Irish. I haven't always liked my name and even consider changing it but now I feel as if my name is me. If that's understandable.
I don't know why, but I think of this name as cute. It's a cute name, not frilly like other names, but it's steadfast like the name means.
It's a very good name, but all the Constances I know go by Connie, which isn't as good.
My given name is Constance but I use the name Connie. Have always disliked Constance but as I get a little older I am more accepting of my birth name.
I can't get past the similarity of this name and the word constipation.
This is a pretty name.
This is my baby sister's name and I simply love it. It's Kawiia (Cute) and Different. I simply love it and wouldn't mind that name. My sister was born in 2006 so it's a rather uncommon name now but I still simply love it! :)
My name is Constance, and because of the fact that I am a self-proclaimed "math nerd," I enjoy the resemblance the name sounds to "constants," a term used in algebra.
I find the name cold and aloof. I am also reminded of constipation.
I am an original Constance. Born in the 1970's, my daddy named me so that I would have a strong, unforgetable name. It looks great on paper too! lol
I like this name a lot! I think of a strong and determined woman when I hear this name.
Constance! So unusual, so uncommon, so cool!

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