Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My name is Cori. People always reference Corey in the house, probably because I was born in the early 2000s. I have only met dudes named Cori, never another girl. People always ask me if it's short for anything, like Corinne. It's not. Cori is my full first name. I would rate my experience with this name as like 8/10. I've never met another girl of my age with my name. Take that as you will. I also can never find the correct spelling of my name on any key chains. Like sometimes I'll find a "Corey" or a "Cory", but that's it.
Really? My nickname is Cori... but my full name isn't Corinne or anything like that. My full name is Coriander! It's a very beautiful name, yet can be quite rare at times now. The name Cori, was actually at its most popular in 1977. The name Coriander is also a rare name.
I know a girl who goes by Cori. It's short for something but she refuses to tell anyone what it's short for as she hates her real name. When I first met her I thought her name was weird but it has really grown on me, though I doubt it would suit everyone.
This is a pretty nickname for Cordelia.
My best friend is called Coral, but I gave her Cori as a nickname. I think it's lovely.
My name is Cori and I love it because it is uncommon. I think it is beautiful. It means a lot to me that people love my name. It's different and original.

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