Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Corina Newsome is an American ornithologist, birder and science communicator. In response to the racism faced by Black birder Christian Cooper in Central Park, Newsome co-organized Black Birders Week to celebrate Black birders.
Corina del Parral (1905 – 1979) was an Argentine writer, poet, pianist, and composer. Married to President José María Velasco Ibarra, she served four terms as the First Lady of Ecuador.
Corina Abraham is an Australian indigenous rights activist. Corina is a Whadjuk Noongar woman. In 2016, she challenged the Western Australian Government for failure in procedural fairness during its change to the Aboriginal Heritage status of the land to be impacted by the extension to Roe Highway known as Roe 8.
Corina Rodríguez López (1895-1982) was a Costa Rican educator, writer, feminist and occasional sculptor. She was the founder of the Casa del Niño and the Temperance League of Costa Rica, as well as a feminist and suffragette. She was twice exiled for her outspokenness on the treatment of women and children and her political views. She taught school in both Costa Rica and Panama and wrote articles for newspapers and magazines criticizing both national and international political policies. When she returned from exile in Panama, she worked as a housing advocate for poor families in the southern neighborhoods of San José. She was inducted into the Costa Rican Gallery of Women in 2007.
Pretty and cool sounding! I love that is has nickname options like Cori and Cora! Pronounced core e nuh.

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