Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Corinna Schumacher (nee Betsch) is the wife of 7-time F1 champion, Michael Schumacher!
Corinna Ulcigrai is an Italian mathematician working on dynamical systems.
Corinna Lin (林俐君) is a Taiwanese-American figure skater who competes internationally for Taiwan in ladies singles. She is the 2011 Taiwanese National Champion.
Corinna Folkins (née MacDonald; 1918-1998) was a United States international lawn bowler.
There's a 1994 movie with Whoopi Goldberg called "Corrina, Corrina." It's set in 1959 where a single white father hires a black housekeeper to help raise his daughter. That's how I first came across the name and I adore the film. If anyone's interested in the film I'm not sure where you can find it, as it's more of a lost gem from the 90s.
Corinna Jane Adam (31 January 1937 – 8 March 2012), also known by her married name Corinna Ascherson, was a British journalist, particularly for the New Statesman, The Guardian, and The Observer. According to her obituary in The Times, Adam was "admired for her shrewd and well-observed reporting on a wide range of subjects, not least of court cases relating to questions of freedom of expression and human rights.
Corinna Kathy Chamberlain is a Hong Kong singer and actress. She is also a musical theatre performer, model, and an occasional TV host for TVB. She was a director for the dance company, "Morethandance" until December 2008.
1960s socialite Corinna Dixon, daughter of British ambassador to France Sir Pierson Dixon.
Famous pincesses:
Princess Corinna Sayn-Wittgenstein
Princess Corinna Von Elmendorff
Princess Corinna Kuahiwinui
Princess Corinna Czerwonka
Princess Corinna Von Anhult
Ancient Greek poet named Corinna.
Famous actresses:Corinne Bohrer
Corinna Tsopei
Corinna Hong Wu
Corinne Calvet
I know the name from Robert Herrick's "Corinna's Going A-Maying".
There is a town in Maine called Corinna.

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