Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Damon is the name of Durga (a Hindu god)'s tiger.
Damon and Elena from the Vampire Diaries.
I can't believe nobody has mentioned author Damon Runyon, some of whose short stories are the basis for the musical Guys and Dolls. (His full name was Alfred Damon Runyon.)
Damon Fizzy (deefizzy) is a YouTuber.
Damon Wildeve is an unsavory character in Thomas Hardy's "The Return of the Native."
Damon Gant was an important character in the first Phoenix Wright game. In his case, his name was a corruption of "Demon Gent."
Damon Salvatore is a key character of the tv and novel series 'The Vampire Diaries'. I just can't believe he wasn't mentioned before!
Damon Atkinson is an American drummer, well known in the music community for drumming in bands such as Hey Mercedes and Braid. I don't really care for this name. I like Damien better.
Matt Damon is a famous actor.
A famous bearer is actor Damon Kyle Wayans (born September 4, 1960), stand-up comedian, writer, and actor. He starred in the television shows "In Living Color" from 1990 to 1992, "My Wife and Kids" from 2001 to 2005, and "The Underground", beginning in 2006. He also starred in many movies, including "The Last Boy Scout", "Major Payne" and "The Great White Hype", "Blankman", and "Beverly Hills Cop".
A famous bearer of this name is Damon Hill, the British F1 champion in 1996.
The singer from Blur is Damon (Albarn) and he is a legend!
Damon Albarn is also in Gorillaz.

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