Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Absolutely beautiful name! I'm so in love with it! I have only ever met one Danika so it's not overused, the Danika I know is nice, easygoing and funny, just as I imagined someone with the name.
The k makes it look sloppy.
My name is Danika and although people usually pronounce it wrong it is a very nice name. Also it would not suit a dog or many animals really.
I named my daughter Dannikka, which is just a different spelling of this name. I have been in love with this name since I was young and I think it's a beautiful name. My daughter is beautiful, smart, independent, strong and sassy. Just as I would think the name sounds like.
My name being Danika, as soon as I saw that first comment my jaw dropped. Ouch.
Personally, I always loved my name, and somewhat despised the (more common?) spelling "Danica". It just looks so wrong...
The meaning really is nice, though. Sometimes when I walk outside at night I'll look up and just gaze at the stars and smile, because the stars can be really magical. And the part about it being morning... I was born in the morning, around 6 or 6:30 am, so discovering this meaning was a bit of a pleasant coincidence. My parents had picked this name for the definition "gift from God" (which I was told was of German origin), because I was the second twin/"bonus baby", not because of this meaning. But I love this name all the same.This name would also sound horribly out-of-place on a dog. I don't know how anyone could name a dog that.
I think this is a lovely name! It is one of my friend's favorite names. I like this spelling better than Danica, though both are nice.
My name is Danika and I personally think that it is a pretty name. I've had many compliments and no one had ever said that it was a dogs name. So if I named my dog Hannah or Alexander would that make them dogs' names also? Think before you say something because that comment was honestly not needed. Thank you.
I have a niece named Danika. I have always thought it was a very pretty name. Her mom is named Dana, so it's almost like she was named after her mother.I personally could never see naming a dog something so sophisticated.
Yep, dog's name.
The name's meaning seems to clash with its sound. The sound of the name is dark, ominous in my mind. Odd that it would mean "morning" star. It's a very beautiful name to me.
I think Danika is a really cool and unique name. It's definitely not a dog's name!
Danica is a very beautiful elegant name. I love the meaning of this name.
Danika is the ugliest name I have ever heard of. It is a dog name.
What a helpful and constructive comment! My dog, Jordan, thought the same, and I will be changing her name immediately.

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