Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It always reminds me of Desmond the Moon Bear, other than that I would use it.
Actually, Destiny and Desmond would make great twin names!
I can't ever hear nor see this name without a singsong "Desmond the moon bear!" playing in my head. And that is NOT a good thing. It's made me despise this name. I try not to let names be ruined by such ridiculous little things, I do try. And I know it's still a name. But I just can't help that I can't see past this particular association. There's nothing handsome nor pleasant about this name in my personal opinion. No handsomeness, all moon bear. I can't stand it.
Soooooooooo handsome! I love it! Ages well, and Des or Dessy are great nicknames!
So handsome! I love it!
My little 1 year old cousin is named this. I love this name so much and it fits babies so well!
It's alright.
I think Desmond sounds like the name of a sweet little pan boi. He probably trusts few people but treasures them more closely. Just my personal opinion~
Sort of like a male form of Daisy, (like Dessy or Dezzy as a nickname) with the fact that it's so rare, yet so unique. It sounds like diamond and makes me think of a handsome man in a dark blue suit.
This name reminds me of "Desmodus Rotundus" (Vampire Bats).
Gosh I just wanna shout "DES-MOND THE MOON BEAR!" so bad ;-;
Desmond would be a perfect name for a dragon LOL... but I think I would prefer it spelt Dezmond.
I really like this name! My image of someone named Desmond is a twenty-something good-natured intelligent guy who is witty and makes people laugh, although I don't know how I came to that association. I can also see it on an adorable little boy, with the potential nickname Des, and him growing into the name as an adult.
Desmond is generally considered very dated in the UK.
To me this seems like the name of a Dracula-style vampire, probably because of the character my brother Deinonychus made. It really surprised me that this name is from Ireland.It's strange how differently everyone thinks of this name.
I like this name. It reminds me of someone who's cheerful, energetic, and likes making jokes. Then again, that might be because it's the basic personality of a character in a few of my stories with this name, a wisecracking vegetarian vampire bat.
I love the name Desmond! To anyone else considering it, I wouldn't let some odd ball association (a crazed black preacher? wth) throw you off. Desmond is a classic name that makes me think of someone who is strong, warm, and friendly. I also think of someone with brown hair and eyes, which I'm sure is influenced by Henry Ian Cusick's character, Desmond Hume, from lost.
This is such an awesome name. Love the nickname "Des" for it. It just sounds very strong and reliable.
I've always liked this name. I don't care if it's the Beatles' song, "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da," or Desmond Hume from LOST, but I really like this name. Des is a nice nickname, too.
I like the nickname Dez.
This name sounds mean and angry to me. For some unexplainable reason, it makes me think about a black minister who is a raving lunatic, holding sermons about how much he hates homosexuals and pronouncing Jesus as JEEEEEEE-ZUUS! while speaking so fast and frantically that he sounds like he is delirious and babbling incoherently.
I HATE this name! This is one of my middle names. And, I am a GIRL!
This was my grandad's name, although he was always called Dessy, which I think is a great name for a boy. Strong but fun!
This is my Dad's name. I like it because it's different. Of course it always gets shortened to Des!

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