Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Edmund is such a great name much more unusual than Edward it makes me think of Edmund of Langley from the wars of the roses era in English history.
The nickname Eddy would be quite a good nickname for Edmund too.
Name for someone who drinks black coffee for the aesthetic.
Love this and Edward equally. Handsome names.
I just love this name I picture dark emerald green forests and elves straining viciously in the leaves.
Just think this strong ancient name was carried by boys and men in England at a time when life was harsh and children had a 50% survival rate.
At first I thought this name was odd, but I've really come to like it. I think it's a good alternative to the way more common name Edward.
I love the name! I feel like it is so gentle-man like.
I don't really like it. It's the name of a city near where I live, so it sounds kind of strange to me :/.
It's a decent name but I do prefer Edward.
Edmund is a handsome classic. I loved the name since I was a kid after reading Narnia. It's posh but it embodies to me my favorite character, Edmund, who's complex but at the end of the day a good person who made a mistake. I love the combination Edmund Louis the best, because it sounds distinguished.
Edmund is such a handsome name. Ed is super cute. I do also adore Edward, Edwin and Edgar, and the female name Edwina.
This is a unique alternative to Edward, but a bit more classy and old-fashioned.
I've always thought this name sounded quite posh and sophisticated. I have to admit, this is a very handsome name. ;)
Strong, classic, handsome, and gives off a good vibe. I would love to use this name for a child, with the nickname of Ed. I also like how it reminds me of my favorite character in The Chronicles of Narnia.
Please tell me there are better nicknames for Edmund than just Ed, Ned, Eddie and Monet, because I adore this name, but the nicknames are just so hideous. I would name a son this, and spell it the French way (Edmond), but pronounce it the English way.
It is a very handsome, classic name.
This name is fabulous! It has so much history behind it, and it is just so strong, and nice, and cute, and old-fashioned. It also sounds so regal, fit for a king.
Just love this name!I didn't know this was Hitler's brother name; I also like Clara which was his mother's name. Haha, everyone will think we are pretentious Nazis apparently! Clara and Edmund sound like an adorable sibset I think.
This is my friend's name. I end up calling him 'Eddie Boy' sometimes. Ha ha. Edmund is a nice though. Too bad it's usually chosen for a snobby character in a book or movie.
I love this name even though I've never met anyone with it. It's a name that I can see any age of person having and I think it sounds better than Edward. Plus it's the name of Blackadder and the name of the kid in the Cronicles of Narnia.
Edmund sounds more unique than Edward and less dated than Edwin. I prefer the "M" to the "w" in Edward.
This name is adorable and serious at once. I prefer it to Edward, which has been ruined for another generation by a trashy kids vampire series.
I like it better than most other names beginning with "Ed," mostly since I hate the nickname. But this is an alright name.
I hate all names ending in -mund, they sound so old-fashioned and rather pompous on children today anyway. I would think parents who name their son Edmund today are quite pretentious.
I've never met anybody with this name, but all the people I've read about
with this name have been so dashing! And so gallant! Ugh, I love this name!
I love this name. It's completely adorable for a little boy, and would be dashing on an adult.
I love this name. And I fancy the nickname Ned.
You could easily get this name confused with Edward. They would be good names for twins.

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