Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I love Egypt as a place name because it inspires mystery and reverence. However, I don't find it suitable for a child's name, especially if you're choosing it to be exotic or unique. Yes, if you have strong personal ties to Egypt, such as you have Egyptian heritage or your child was conceived in Egypt, then it would make sense as a choice. I still think it would be best as a middle name; your child can decide to use it if they like.Hobbyist Egyptologists looking for names that pay homage to Egypt may prefer Alexander, Alexandria, Said/Sayyid (for Port Said), Nile/Niles (for the Nile), etc. There are also many place names which sound cute without being so obvious, such as Minya and Damietta for girls and Memphis for boys. Even Cairo and Luxor, while still a little out there to me, could be used, particularly as cool middle names.

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