Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Beautiful and feminine on a girl, but awful and ugly on a boy.
It rhymes with lemur.
Lovely meaning though.
I really wouldn't use it. I live in the Netherlands, and 'emmer' means 'bucket' in Dutch. But, if your native language is English, this name is fine.
The meaning is stereotypical. It's saying that all girls have to be pretty to be successful. Bleh. And it sounds pretty repulsive too- the correct pronunciation, anyway.
And what is wrong with the meaning? It simply means "swift", nothing else. How could it say that girls have to be pretty to be successful?
No, the meaning "swift" is cool, but I mean the history behind the name.
No offense but it sounds to much like a nickname for someone named Emma or Emmett. (Or I'm just being biased since I call my cousin Emma "Emers")

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