Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Fleurette Andriantsilavo (died 2005) was a civil servant and environmentalist from Madagascar, whom Fleurete's sportive lemur is named after, in honour of her work advocating for Madagascar's unique ecology throughout her career at the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forestry.
Fleurette Campeau (1941 – 2022) was a Canadian fencer. She competed in the women's team foil event at the 1976 Summer Olympics.
Fleurette Beauchamp-Huppé (1907 – 2007) was a Canadian pianist, teacher and soprano. She was the winner of a prize awarded by the Canadian Institute of Music each year from 1930 to 1932 and earned the Prix de Paris in 1933. Beauchamp-Huppé gave recitals, and performed the works of various pianists on CBC Radio and CKAC. She was also a teacher, mainly at the Conservatoire de musique du Québec à Montréal. There were two accompaniment studios inaugurated by the Conservatiore de musique du Québec à Montréal to recognize Beauchamp-Huppé and the conservatory named a student grant after her.

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