Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Definitely not a name I'd use, since it reminds me of those pretentious, snobby Gallagher brothers.
Too much of a surname.
Gallagher is such a stately, strapping, handsome name. I understand that the correct Irish pronunciation does not include the second 'g,' but I must admit that the 'g' is actually something I find attractive... it is a bit like Gregory, another name that I like, in that I adore the repetition of the letter. Or Gilbert - though there is no second 'g,' the 'b' is heavy enough to have the same effect. Of course, the pronunciation Gallaher is pleasant, too. Ultimately, however, I prefer that this name remain a surname.
Growing up USA my maiden name was Gallagher. During a recent trip to Ireland I found out the true pronunciation. Funny how I always thought that the h sound was Americanized. In any case, I loved finding out more about the name and its connection with the "Flight of the Earls". While growing up I was always kidded by someone who remembered an old vaudeville act where the one man would say "Good morning Mr Gallagher" and the other would say "Good morning Mr. Sheen" and they would go on to deliver jokes to the tune played by a piano player in the background. Apparently they were quite the hit because they never let me by without a mention of it. Besides thinking how undignified it is to make fun of someone's name this way (that's how I saw it) the only thing I remember about the name specifically is that as a child Patricia Gallagher was a tremendous amount to write at the head of every paper for school. I do love the name and I do love that my heritage is Irish. I read a considerable amount about Ireland and have a tremendous curiosity about the language. I always enjoy learning more.
I have always hated Oasis and the Gallagher bothers as people, so this surname doesn't have very nice connotations to me. Besides, this name sounds more like a surname, which it is.
I agree with the above. I've noticed that non-Irish people have trouble pronouncing Gallagher! I can't understand why, it's such an easy name.
I love the name Gallagher. I think it is a very strong, stately name and very rare without sounding obscure.

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