Comments (Personal Impression Only)

The fact people are calling this name uncommon when it's literally tagged as "never out of the top 1000 in the US" 😭.
This is my name. It's a good name, I chose it myself, but people are always misspelling it as "Garret" which is a very fancy word for an attic and not my name.
Too many double letters.
The double t was not needed. Garret is better.
Sounds hillbillyish and too close to Garrote.
I would like to say I have loved the name β€œGarrettβ€œ since I was a teenager. I said if and when I had a little boy, that
will be his name- Garrett! Actually the name would have been William Garrett Cole - yes 3 names he would have had. But unfortunately it was not meant to be. I could not have children. But when I see people with the name Garett, I immediately like them as they have the name I loved all of my life. β™₯️
So if you have the privelege of having Garrett as a name, it is a nice strong name, one you can be so very proud of and know you are unique for many are not named Garrett as the other little baby boys are usually named Justin, Austin, Michael, Mark, Thomas, John etc...
With that being said, I hope as the years continue to pass, more people will be named Garrett!
To all you Garrett’s out there, be very proud of your name!
This name sounds like a name you give to a pig.
I love this name! I hope to use it for my son. It's a name that works on a young boy but ages very well too.
I am very fond of this name, and I will consider the variant of giving that name to my son, if I will have one. This name sounds very proud and strong, and in my country it is surely very rare. It is close to the name Geralt, but Garrett sounds more witty and friendly.
I am expecting a baby in the next few weeks. I want to give him name Garrett. Few options before were Nicolas, Malte or Bernhard. My other 2 sons are called Max (15) and Richard (2). Garrett (Garreth) sounds to me very balanced, reliable, strong. I just did not make up my mind about the spelling to choose. We live in Germany. I personally like when I see the name spelled as "Garreth", i.e. with "-th" in the end, however it is not common in Germany to use "=th" in the names... and more I am reading about people's reaction to the name, more I love it! Thanks everybody here for your shared experience about this first name. That was very helpful to me.
My parents couldn't have picked a better name for me, I don't care what other people think, the meaning of the name fits me.
In my opinion, Garrett is a nice, strong, masculine name. I hate the nickname Gary, though.
It's a nice name, but its so uncommon that people will say it wrong half the time.
Garrett headlund's adorable, this is a really cool but sadly uncommon name, I like it a lot!
It's another surname turned first/middle name. I think it's a nice alternative to the typical male names. I love it.
I have a friend named Garrett and we pronounce it 'Gare-it'. I like his name because it really suits him because it sounds (to me) smart and friendly, which he is. But he hates when people misspell his name or call him Gary or Gare-Bear. I only know two Garrett's around my age and they're both nice and they both, incidentally, play stringed instruments (viola and bass) and they're both in the youth symphony.
This is my boyfriend's name. I find it quite handsome but very hard to picture on a grown man.
I'm sure the above-posting Garretts are nice, but the one I knew was an unmitigated rear end. That I don't completely hate the name because of him says something, I suppose. It's better than Gary.
My name is Garrett. Thank you, by the way, Autumn. That was a very nice comment. I am very satisfied with what my name means. I love my name. I even know somebody whose middle name is Garrett, and he goes by his middle name because he likes Garrett more than his first name. I think Garrett is a little more popular than we think, though. I have known five other kids named Garrett, just at my school. Any way, I love my name and I am actually glad that it isn't very popular. I like being unique, and even just four other Garretts kind of makes my name feel a little less special. (Of course, I am the only "good" Garrett, if you catch my drift).
I prefer this name to Gareth, as this doesn't have the ''th'' ending. Just don't call the guy Gary. I can't stand Gary, but Garrett is okay.
I really like the name Garrett. It's not one you hear a lot, so when you do hear it, you don't say, "Oh, another Garrett." Or maybe it's just me.
The name Garrett is an awesome name and even though I'm only 14 now I'll probably name one of my kids Garrett! That is if I have a boy.
I love this name. I know a lot of people with this name. I just adore it. It sounds so cute.
Garrett is an okay name.
I am sorry, but I think this is a very ugly name!

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