Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I do not like this name. It sounds like a boy's name. It's an ugly name to me.
This name is feminine and powerful, and any name can be dressed down according to the person it belongs to, but this name would make anyone take them seriously-- my name is Madeline Patricia... and I know a little something about having a weak name, Hagar is a great choice. It's also short and easy to pronounce but still sophisticated and regal.
I want to confirm this name to be a lovely girl’s name that sounds feminine, but it’s challenging. Hagar sounds way too masculine to my ears. It wouldn’t age well on a boy either, let alone any female, even the masculine females. I failed to see the elegance in this name. I feel like this is an unattractive name and it does sound a bit ugly. If it’s pronounced “ha-gerr” then yes, it does sound a bit juvenile. It’s not really a good name, but it’s best for a boy. It’s too harsh sounding for anyone, sorry:(.
No offense, but the pronunciation of this name and the spelling totally sets me off. “Hagger” does not really sound that pleasant and it looks more masculine than feminine. But it’s growing on me just right now, so I’ll learn to like it, but right now I’m still thinking.
Ugly and masculine.
Hagar is interesting. It does sound heavy and rough, but there is still a charm to it. It does bring to mind musician Sammy Hagar, formerly of the band Van Halen, though.
In my ears Hagar sounds regal, mature and classy. I think it's a wonderful name and a breath of fresh air with all the Kadi's, Kaci's, Nikki's and Jessica's around these days. A good name to grow old with!
This name is so amazing I named my daughter this after my first daughter.
I can NOT picture a girl with this name! It sounds so masculine and foreign.
This sounds like a good name for a big dog.

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