Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Not in an English-speaking country, sorry. The poor kid would probably get bullied, to be honest. :(
I like it as a nickname, though.
You mean, the meat?
I can't help but think of a quote from the Simpsons when I see this name: "I am called Ham since I enjoy Ham radio!"
This name tastes good. I love the food Ham.
This is a bad name in English, but Ham is soooooo good. I love meat.
Reminds me of the food "Ham".
Nickname: Not for me but passable.
Name: AKA Birth Certificate: NOT AT ALL.
I find this name silly. Probably isn't used in English-speaking countries, though. Or at least I hope not.
Ew. No naming kids after foods.
At first I thought "Oh, maybe it's pronounced different, like Hahm or something."
... No, it's pronounced like the food.
If I did not live in an English speaking country I would use this name because it is wonderful, but because of where I live I would only use it if I moved to a non-English speaking country.
Someone named Ham will be teased because of the food. Even worse, there was the racist "Curse of Ham", which was a "justification" for enslaving black people in the old days. I think that part will make a sensitive person horrified.
Oh God I didn't think I would actually find the name Ham when I typed it in! Who would name their child this seriously.
This name has the same meaning in Dutch as it does in English so I would never use it for a child even though I think that if I could forget that, I would like it.
In the Netherlands, people would probably use "Cham" which is the original Hebrew and usual Dutch form of this name.
Somehow I don't see any sane person using this name in an English-speaking country.
I agree with the above comment about the fact that even though it does not mean meat, everyone would assume so. Maybe if you lived somewhere that wasn't English-speaking it wouldn't be so bad.
I would never name my child Ham. Althought it doesn't mean that it's the meat from pigs, everyone would think so. Imagine meeting someone at say, the park, and you asked their name and they said: "My name is Ham." I would be like, "Are you kidding?" (No offence to anyone named Ham :D)

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