Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I am named Haydn (I am a he), as well as I am a Christian. I do not like what my name means, but I like it because it is different and yet somewhat popular and I like Joseph Haydn's music. But my name is pronounced HAY-din
The person below me can capitalize all the random words they want, but this is not a variant of Hayden and they do not have the same pronunciation. This is pronounced High-den. First syllable like “Hi, how are you?”.
I like the name for a boy, it's unusual but a classic. Much better than Aiden.
Music is probably the biggest part of my life, and I would love to honor one of the most famous composers by using this name. It is pronounced HIE-din. I think it could work, especially with the trendiness of Hayden and names similar.
This name is cool. I like it waaaaayyy better than Hayden. I think it's because of the unusual ending...
Yuck. The -dn just looks so strange.
This is even worse than Hayden. I don't know what I'd do if the tryndies started naming their kids Jaydn, Braydn, Caydn...
I know one person with his name, and she's a girl and pronounces it just like Hayden. I prefer Hayden over Haydn, anyway.
Oh, I'm glad I'm not the only one who says HY-den. I love Haydn, but I would only ever use it as a middle as it would be mispronounced as HAY-den all the time.
I wish it didn't mean "heathen", as a Catholic I could never use it even though it sounds great.

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