Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Sounds like Hannah with an Aussie or Kiwi accent.
Unlike the previous posters, I find "Henna" rather comedic, juvenile, and unprofessional. Of course, it is moderately better than "Hannah"... but that is not difficult to do.To my knowledge, the Henna-dye is commonly known in our English-speaking countries, to the point where an association and tagging would be initiated.Regardless if you remove the beginning "H," a splendid name of "Enna" is born.
Henna can work in my places, comely and rare.
Such a sweet and soft name. I have never met a Henna, but I had an imaginary friend called Henna when I was little!
This is a name I would seriously consider to use if I have a daughter some day, because it's both a beautiful, kinda unusual name, and it's a feminine form of Henry which is the name of my grandfather.
I like this. It makes me think of going to Lake George or Cape Cod and getting Henna tattoos in town.

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