Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Before I used to hate this name, but it now appeals to me. It's smart and charming.
As a history geek, the name 'Herman' reminds me of something historical; kind of old-fashioned and warm like leather, magnificent like aged wine.
Nice, dated name.
I think more of it as a great last name, but an okay first name. I know someone named Jared whose last name is Herman.
Not the worst name, though a bit more in place on an older man. Sherman is okay too. I really like Herman Melville, so maybe I'm a bit biased.
This name always reminds me of Hermann Van Pels, who hid with Anne Frank during WWII, due to this association, I truly respect this name. And since it's literally "her man" it might be a good name for a ladie's man! I like it!
Herman is one of the few names that are magnificent and dignified from a historical point of view and it instills a sense of confidence and tone of pride to the bearer... I love it so madly.
This name is so cute! ^^ xoxo.
I think this name is so cute! It also ages real well and I think it sounds a little better then Sherman.
My great uncle's name is Herman, and I wish I could say he's who I think of everytime I hear this name, but he's not. I can't help but think, Pee-Wee Herman.
It's an ugly, old-fashioned, pompous name, and I'd laugh very hard if I heard a parent shout to their son: ''Herman, we have to leave!'' I'd feel sorry for any kid with this embarrassing name today.

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