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Herse 1
Gender Feminine
Scripts Ἕρση(Ancient Greek)

Meaning & History

Means "dew" in Ancient Greek.

Athena wished to make her resulting infant Erichthonius immortal and to raise it, so she gave it to three sisters, Herse, Aglauros and Pandrosos, in a willow basket and warned them to never open it. Aglauros and Herse disobeyed her and opened the basket which contained the infant and future king, Erichthonius, who was somehow mixed or intertwined with a snake. The sight caused Herse and Aglauros to go insane and they jumped to their deaths off the Acropolis.

There was also a Herse, daughter of Selene and Zeus (also known as Ersa, and a Herse who was one of the many consorts of Danaus, having with him his daughters Hippodice and Adiante.
Added 5/16/2014 by LMS
Edited 1/17/2016 by LMS and Ora

See Also

User submission Herse