Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I had a classmate with this name. In the UK in the 1980s this would have been seen as unusual but as 5 year olds it never occurred to us it was anything other than her name. I think it’s lovely and would use it as a middle name in a heartbeat if I could.
How pretty! And Jane Krawkowski's portrayal of Ilona Ritter in "She Loves Me" was iconic.
I am named Illona and like the other impressions that it means "woman of joy and light." I hope that describes me too.
My birth name was Linda Illona Lee. Since Linda was very common in 1948, when I was born, I chose to go by my middle name, Illona, as soon as I had some say in the matter. My mother named me after her best friend, Illona, and said the name was derived from the first 3 letters of Illinois (where her friend was born) and ended in ona from the last 3 letters of Arizona (where her friend died). I have always pronounced it Alona, since I didn't like to think of myself as being ill. Which is kind of funny, since 2 years ago, in 2017, I actually did die. I love to garden and was doing that all day, when I finally came in to shower. Feeling a little strange, I called my daughter, who is a doctor in another state to ask her what might be wrong. I collapsed and "died" while on the phone with her. I'm a little unsure of the details, since I lost a lot of memory from having no oxygen for 9 minutes. My son, who was with me and had called the ambulance, was giving the paramedics my info so they could fill out the death certificate, when they noticed a movement and immediately gave me CPR, which my son had already tried, unsuccessfully. They took me to the ER and put me in a coma for quite a while, and little by little I've been recovering. And, since I love children, I had 7 and they have given me 30 grandchildren, so I'm not "alone" very often. SOMEDAY, my husband and I hope to afford a home of our own again, but close to those wonderful descendants we've been blessed with.
I think it’s really cute, but still serious. (Perhaps playful?)
I’ve seen a few Russian girls with this name, most likely spelled Илона.
My name is Ilona. My heritage is Danish & German. Nickname "Lonni"... and now I go by Launa.
Well in Greece the name Ilona is very rare, nearly doesn't exist... my mother has an Hungarian classmate named Ilona and so she decided to name me Ilona too... till my 16 years old I hated my name cause no one could pronounce it and everyone asked me if I was from another land... but now I feel very special and unique as my name! I find out that it means light and combine it with my final project of my college. I'm writing about wooden jewlery (rings, bracelets..) and I'm inspired by my name. light: comes out from sun, whose shape is round, is the domain planet of jewell makers and contains all wooden colours, it gives life to everything! Without the sun there would be no trees... so everything is a circle bound all together! I love my name (and my project!) thanx mommy! :-D.
I had a friend called this, and she was Indian, actually. I've always thought that it's a lovely, pretty name.
I have always liked this name, and to a Finn, the name sounds literally joyful, as 'ilo' is the Finnish word for 'joy', and this name actually happens to tranlate into a little somthing like ''as a joy'' in Finnish. Not that this name is considered a word in Finnish. It's a very pretty name, although I must confess that I'm not sure how well it suits women past the age of 25. If any English-speaker wants to use it, I would recommend you to keep the stress on the first syllable.
This name is really cool and unique. I met a girl name Illona. With two L's. She pronounced it ill-own-na.
A very beautiful name! An Estonian variant is Ilon.
The name Ilona gives me the impression of being the only one. Alone and Strong. Ilona is unique.

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