Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Indigo was a minor character in the Dorothy Must Die book series.
A character with this name is Indigo Casson (male) from the Casson Family books by Hilary McKay. The book from his point of view is the second one, Indigo's Star.
The actor Lou Diamond Phillips has a daughter named Indigo.
"Hello, my name is Indigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
Indigo is one of the color kids in the Rainbow Brite franchise from The Eighties.
Maite Petersen and Carl Della Badia have a son Indigo August, born in August 2009.
Liberty Phoenix has a son named Indigo Orion, born November 9, 1999.Tom Bailey, and Allanah Currie, have a daugther named Indigo born in 1988.
The Indigo Girls are a band made up of Emily Saliers and Amy Ray. They first started performing in 1984, but it wasn't until 1989, with the release of their self-titled album, that their great songwriting and fantastic harmonies gained national attention. They have been nominated for several Grammy awards and won one for Best Contemporary Folk Recording.Their most recognizable singles include "Closer to Fine," "Kid Fears," and "Least Complicated."

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