Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I'm 12 and my name is Inez. Personally, I think the name is better suited to older people, but I guess it is open to interpretation. A lot of my friends think the name is cool but I'm not too sure.
Inez is cool and spunky. Ines is so pretty and delicate. I’m not sure which I like more at this point.
Simple, short, but beautiful name! It feels mature! Inez is a good name and fits for different aged women!
Inez is a simple and cute name for a girl. I pronounce it with emphasis on the "nez" part.
Only works on Hispanic women. Sorry.
That's not true. Names don't have races/skin colors.
I am half German and half Spanish, so I think Inez would be a pretty name to give to a daughter to reflect my Spanish heritage. Oddly enough I had a great-great-grandmother named Inez, but she was on the German side.

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