Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

There is a Serbian song named Isidora.
Isidora Quagmire is a character in A Series Of Unfortunate Events. She has two triplet brothers, Quigley and Duncan.
Isidora is the heroine in Melmonth the Wanderer.
St. Isidore
Isadora Duncan famous American ballet dancer
Isidora Sideri, Greek singer
Isidora Sekulic Serbian poet
Isidora Bjelica Serbian writer
Isidora Bushkovski
Issidora Serbian makeup artist,
The daughter of a friend is called Isidora, only she's named after a city in Italo Calvino's 'Invisible Cities', which her father was reading at the time. They chose the name by random from the book, and it suits her really well. The book is a great namesake, and in it the city of Isidora is a city of 'dreams', which makes violins and telescopes and the buildings have spiral staircases encrusted with spiral seashells.

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