Comments (Personal Impression Only)

There's only one word I can say to describe naming your kid after a religion... weird.
If you detach the religious associations, I think this is a strong and powerful name. There are many religious Christian names too (Mary, Abraham, Christian, etc.), so other cultures shouldn't be judged with a double standard.
How fanatical do you have to be to name your kid Islam? Geez.
Islaam was the name of an undeveloped conjoined twin with craniopagus parasiticus born in 2005. She had to be separated from her twin to give her twin a chance to live. Poor kid. Rest in Peace.
I stumbled across this name while I was looking up the name Isla. Didn't know this was a name... Would probably work in Muslim countries but outside of them, nope.
Islam Karimov, former president/prime minister of Uzbekistan, had this name.
Naming your kid after a religion is just plain weird.
@kayisforkeen Not really, it'd be akin to naming your kid Christian in a country where most of the population is Christian.
Not as a name for a person would it work in the US.

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