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Itala Fulvia Villa (1913-1991) was an Argentinian architect whose main forte was city planning. She was an integral part of creating and designing the urban model for the city of Buenos Aires. As part of urbanization process, she designed and built a plan for the neighborhood known as Bajo Flores, where Pope Francis grew up, for which she received first prize in the 6th National Exhibition of Architecture Fair in 1945. In 1979, she was a representative of the Argentina Federation of University Women.
Itala Pellegrino (born 1865) was an Italian painter; she mainly painted genre and seascapes. Born in Milan, she was a resident of Naples. She studied painting with professor Domenico Battaglia. At the 1881 Exposition of Turin, and to that of Milan, she sent seascapes.
Itala Maria Loffredo D'Ottaviano (born 1944) is a Brazilian mathematical logician who was president of the Brazilian Logic Society. Topics in her work have included non-classical logic, paraconsistent logic, many-valued logic, and the history of logic.

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