Comments (Personal Impression Only)

So many haters on this name! This is my sister's name and it has a very cute origin story. It's cool if you don't like made up names but don't be so hateful towards them. You never know how it came to be.
Tacky, juvenile, and made-up. This spelling in particular is quite unattractive.
And I'm tired of the terrible "all names were made-up at one point" argument. Yes, but they were formed from name elements with certain meanings or came from somewhere in the language and had thought put into them. "Made-up" names are the ones formed from putting random sounds together that don't have meaning because they "sound cute", like Kaylee, Braelyn, Jayla, Zayden, and yep, Jaslyn.
This spelling is weird looking.
My name is Jaslyn and I actually really like it; I think it suits me. I've never interpreted it to be "too young" or "immature". I think it has been fitting both when I was a child and now that I am older.
Honestly this name does have a bit of a trendy sound to it. But I have to admit that it is intriguing and catchy. I really like it. I think this name has some class to it. I also find Jasmine and Jocelyn pretty names. And if this name is the combination of those names. Then that makes me like it even more.Looking at it spelled gives me the trendy impression right away. Mainly due to the lyn ending. But saying the name out loud. It is pleasant and refreshing sounding. I really like it.
It is the combination of the names Jasmine and Jocelyn. I love the name Jaslyn. It may be made up but all names were made up at one point in time. This name is the combination of two very historical names. So it has enough history for my liking. I prefer the Jaslyn spelling over the Jazlyn spelling. But it is English for Joyful.
This one just doesn't sound right. It's tacky, and it doesn't sound very good on grown women. I think it's quite ugly.
These modern "English" names give me a headache. Sooner or later, the girls who bear this name will be women, and where will they be? This sounds like a pet name for a child, not something for a grown woman.
I absolutely love this name. It's not a name you hear very often, it's beautiful.
Jazzy would be a cute nickname for Jaslyn, Jazlie, or Jazlyn. Very Cute.
As a rule I HATE modern English names, but I love Jaslyn. I would never use it but it's not tacky and trashy like the other made up names are.
The pronunciation sounds pretty, reminds me of Jasmine.

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