Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I can't really say I particularly like this name, but it is what Jeanne d'Arc (and many, many other French historical figures) was called, so it does have some quite interesting associations.
This is such a beautiful name! I thought it was a feminine form of Jehan.
I love this name... it's more than likely Joan de Arc's real name, and it's so beautiful, strong, and elegant!
This name is not just ugly, it was also extremely overused in the past. It is still overused in its modern form.
The "h" makes it look so ugly, but I don't like "Jeanne" either.
This version is even worse than Jeanne.
The "h" makes it look a bit harsh.
I really like this name. It reminds me of the sweetness and diplomacy Jane or Joanne has, but is more elegant, in a way.

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