Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Jem Cotton is an important reoccurring character in Jacqueline Wilson's Hetty Feather book series.
In the BBC 3 series "In The Flesh", the sister of the main character Kieren is named Jemima but is addressed as Jem.
My book crush's name is Jem! He is Jem Carstairs from the Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare. It's short for James.
Jem Black, Ward, Belcher and Mace were all bare knuckle fighters form the early 1900's. Jem Finer writes/wrote music for The Pouges. Jem Stansfield presents science for the BBC. It is most definitely a boys name being a shortening of Jeremy or, in earlier times James.
Jem Carstairs is a character in The Infernal Devices series, the prequel trilogy to The Mortal Instruments.
Come on, Come on and be a Jem Girl! Jem, Jem is my name!
This is the name of the lead character from the 1980's Hasbro series 'Jem and the Holograms'.
In Judith Lennox's novel "Middlemere", Romy Cole's (the leading character) brother is called Jem.
Jem is *truly* outrageous! (If Jem is your name, then no one else is the same.) (sorry, I can't stop singing the eighties' cartoon anthems)
One of the children of Anne of Green Gables (+ Gilbert Blythe) is named Jem.
There's a famous female singer called Jem.
This can also be a short form of Jeremy, as in Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird. The main character's brother is named Jeremy Atticus Finch, but he's called Jem.

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