Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Jocelyn Deboer is a director and actress who directed and starred in the movie "Greener Grass" along with her partner-in-crime, Dawn Luebbe.
Jocelyn is the name of the superstar/main character of the HBO MAX show, "The Idol" who is played by Lily-Rose Depp (daughter of Johnny Depp).
Jocelyn West (previously Jocelyn Montgomery) is an English singer, one of the founding members of Miranda Sex Garden.
Jocelyn Bell Burnell is an Irish astronomer.
Jocelyn Lee Hardy was a British army officer who is well known for repeatably escaping from German prisoner of war camps.
Jocelyn Wang is an actress, former news anchorwoman and TV hostess in the Republic of China. She is best known for her role as the lead anchor for TVBS-NEWS in the evening. Since November 2005, she has phased out her involvement in the mass media to focus on a career in show business.
Jocelyn Wildenstein is a New York City socialite known for extensive facial surgeries, her divorce from late billionaire businessman Alec Wildenstein in 1999, and for her extravagant lifestyle — she once calculated her yearly telephone bill at $60, 000 and food and wine costs at $547, 000.
Amanda Berry's daughter.
This is the name of a township in Canda, north of Drummond Island, Michigan. I saw it on a map and I instantly fell in love.
Jocelyn Angloma (b. 1965) is a French-Guadeloupean soccer player. He played for France from 1990 to 1996 and for Guadeloupe from 2006 to 2007.
There is a web series called Jake and Amir that has a skit in it that is called "Ace and Jocelyn: Astronaut Accountants" in it. Every time I meet a Jocelyn, it's the first thing I think of..."Ace and Jocelyn, Ace and Jocelyn, from SPACE and Jocelyn! Astronaut accountants and their coming at your FACE! If you love that **** say, 'Na, na, na na na na..."
Sir Jocelyn Stevens (male) is a well-known English public figure.
Dr Jocelyn Scutt (female) is a well-known jurist and feminist in Australia.
A famous bearer was Jocelyn Victor Hay, the 22nd Earl of Erroll who was famously shot dead on a lonely Kenyan road in 1941 while with his lover Diana Broughton. No one was ever convicted of his murder though the evidence pointed towards Diana’s husband.
Jocelyn Warner is a social worker and is included in the new book In Their Shoes by the author Deborah Reber.
In the film 'a Knight's Tale' Jocelyn was the girl all the knights were jousting over.
Lady Jocelyn (as played by Shannyn Sossamon) was the romantic interest of William Thatcher (Heath Ledger) in the movie "A Knight's Tale".
Jocelyn was the name of the female lead in "A Knights Tale".
A famous bearer is British singer Joss Stone, her real name is Joscelyn Stoker.

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