Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

The Jonas is also the name of a character from the movie, Saw 2.
"Jonas Grumby" was the Skipper's real name in the classic 60's TV show Gilligan's Island.
A soon-to-be well known person who bears this name is Jonas Valanciunas, a rookie basketball player for the NBA's Toronto Raptors.
The main character in The Giver, one of my favorite books, is named Jonas. When I first read it, I thought about using the name for my future son if I have one. Then the Jonas Brothers came along... Yup.
The main character on the show The Unit is named Jonas.
Jonas Quinn is a character in the television series "Stargate SG-1."
As a surname, the Jonas Brothers are a famous teenage pop group currently popular among preteens.
Weezer has a song called "My Name Is Jonas".

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