Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Better and more mature than Joshua.
I only like it as a nickname for Joshua.
Ewww, what a childish name. I can already imagine a small, pathetic and pretentious boy who is 12. All the Joshes I have met have been annoying, sad and petty. To any parents, don't name your child this stupid name.
It's also so common and BORING!
Meh. Average name.
We named our son 'Rogan Josh' because it's our favourite Curry and we like Joe Rogan - No one has taken the mick out of us, I think it's beautiful.
Josh sounds like the name of a cute guy who was one of the “cool kids” in school. I like it.
Great nickname for Joshua. The name makes me think of a tall, good-looking, popular guy who is still kind to others.
Every Josh I've met has been arrogant and a tool. Don't like the sound of it either.
How is this a name? It sounds like an interjection to me...
What do you mean how is Josh a name? It's a nickname for Joshua.
All the Josh's I've ever known have been conceited and arrogant. It doesn't mean that they all ARE however, I just think it's important for people to know the impressions people get of the name before you name them this.
I don't like this name, I picture a goth kid who listens to rock music and has bad behaviour. Joshua is better.
Simply cannot stand this name. Every Josh I have met has had their brain development cease at about 15 years of age. It's such a teenage name, and would be hard to mature into manhood with. Then again, it might be a good name for an actor or musician. Good luck to all of you Josh's out there.
Please Please PLEASE reconsider Josh or Joshua, I have heard and met of too many of them. It is the New Tom or Steve. It's the most redundant name for a guy in my book. Look around some more future parents.
I dislike the name Joshua anyway, because of the three harsh sounds all grating up against one another, but I dislike the nickname Josh even more. It makes me think of a dumb high school jock, and it's like every fifth guy under the age of thirty is a Josh. I find it hard to take a grown man seriously when he goes by Josh professionally instead of just among family and close friends. It's a childish nickname the likes of Mikey or Billy.
Josh is a very youthful name, that only someone with a vibrant, young personality could carry into adulthood. In a serious, corporate setting, Joshua would be more appropriate.
Josh makes me think of a boy who is somewhat shy in class but very social when with his friends. Hair color could vary, maybe his full name should be Joshua.

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