Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I prefer Jocelyn over Josslyn. Josslyn seems like someone wanted to be Kre8tyve and spell it uniquely. Jocelyn is a great name, and not to be ruined by the spelling Josslyn.
My younger sister's name is Josslyn and she was named after my Grandfather Joseph. We were going to name her Josephine but my mom thought that name was ugly, and I think Josslyn suits her better anyway. We call her Jossy, Joss Boss, and I call her Jock.
I think this name is beautiful! I absolutely love it and Joss is a great nickname. You don't hear this name very often which is refreshing between hearing names like Isabella or Sophia or Emily.
Nice name, I prefer this spelling. In my experience, people are generally stupid, so it's much easier to spell your name the 'stupid' way. Trust me, for the past 30 years I have had a name that NOBODY can spell, so if you are thinking of the Jocelyn variety of name, I would use this one, only because it's so much clearer phonically.
I think this would be cute if named after the father Joseph or something. And I would pronounce it more JOSS-lyn rather than with the 'jaw' sound.
I think this is such a pretty name! I like its spelling much better than the other one!
This looks like an immature spelling of Jocelyn.

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