Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Juliet Prowse was a British-American dancer and actress known for her long, attractive legs. Born in India and raised in South Africa before beginning her career in Hollywood, she performed for stage, television, and film, her most famous role in the 1960 film G.I. Blues with Elvis Presley.
"Juliet" is the name of a 1983 single by British singer-songwriter Robin Gibb.
There's a character, Juliet O'hara from the USA TV show, Psych. I think she should be added. :)
It is not really a famous bearer, but one of the moons of Uranus is called Juliet, though most moons of Uranus more so than other planets are named after Shakespeare characters. Many other moons are named after figures of Greek mythology, instead.
There is actually a flower called "Juliet Rose", which took 15 years to be created by David Austin. It's known to be very expensive and it's commonly used in weddings and special occasions. (I think the combo Juliet Rose is very beautiful just like it's namesake flower.)
After listening to Lawson's new song - Juliet this name has suddenly become beautiful to me, definitely a possible name if I have a daughter in the future.
Juliet "Jules" O'Hara is a character on the TV show Psych, played by Maggie Lawson.
There's a song called "Hey, Juliet" by LMNT. (pronounced Jool-ee-ETTE) I've always always heard it said Jool-ee-ETTE. Does anyone really say JOOL-ee-it?
Juliet Moss (born 1987 in San Jose, California) is an American water polo player.
Juliet Rose Landau (born 1965 in Los Angeles, California) is an American actress.
Juliet Huddy (born 1969 in Miami Beach, Florida) is an American televisions news reporter.
Juliet Simms (born 1986 in San Francisco, California) is an American singer-songwriter. She was the runner-up on the second season of the reality show The Voice.
Juliet is the "J" in the NATO Phonetic Alphabet.
There's a song called Romeo and Juliet by Dire Straits and later covered by the Indigo Girls.
Juliet Simms, lead singer of the band Automatic Loveletter.
Shakespeare also uses this in one of his later plays, Measure for Measure- a very adult play compared to his earlier comedies.
There's a song by the band We The Kings called "Check Yes, Juliet".
Juliet is the name of a small inner moon of Uranus, discovered in 1986 by the Voyager 2.
It seems a bit silly even to bother putting this down, but Juliet Capulet, one of the main characters in "Romeo and Juliet" is a famous bearer.
Juliet Lowe is the founder of the Girl Scouts.
A character from ABCs LOST known as an 'other'. She is played by Elizabeth Mitchell.
Julian Casablanca's wife's name is Juliet.
Australian author Juliet Marillier is a noteworthy reference.
Actress Juliet Mills is a bearer of this name. She is the sister of Hayley, also a famous actress.

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