Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I like it. It fits nicely with a story I'm typing. I was trying to find a name that fits with the topic, and this fit perfectly.
I apologize if you don't appreciate long comments, but I thought you wouldn't mind.
At first, I felt really bad for liking this name. The first time I had ever heard it, it was pronounced "JUHN", like in the word "Run" or in "Junk". Even though it sounded masculine, it didn't sound feminine at all. Not in the least. But I feel incredibly relieved to find that it's actually pronounced "JOON", like in the month June. Now that actually sounds cute. And it still contains its masculine sound in my opinion, and it kind of reminds me of the name Juro. I'm looking forward to more adorable unisex names that have easy pronunciations, aren't overly common (and drive you nuts because of it), and meanings that appeal to both genders. If this name were given to a female, I have the impression she would take you by surprise. She would start off really sweet, and downright typical. But if business needs getting done, she will be on it. Almost as if she's a different person. As for males, a picture him being the heroic type of guy, he won't let anybody suffer for a second. It's not a part of his job and he always does his job, 100% professional. So to sum things up, I think this is an adorable name that deserves to be used by fictional characters. But only the strong, bold, heroic, and serious characters. Let's just hope they'll pronounce it right in the English dub. (;3).

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