Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I really love the name Kathryn! It sounds very nice! It's also my mother's name.
I love my name. Except no one can spell it. On the 'phone they ask "Is that with a K or a C?"I just spell it for them, it's easier!
I don't like the spelling as much as Katherine but I still really really like this name.
I'm Kathryn. I love it, but when I was little, everyone called me Kathy. Bleh. I am 50 and I go by Kathryn or Kate now, but family still call me Kathy - which is horrible.
I used to hate the name Kathryn, but realize it's not that overused, which makes this one a fresh and unique variation of Catherine and Katherine. In my opinion, Kathryn is the only name that replaces "-ine" with "-yn" I like. If a girl with this name doesn't like it, she could have the nickname Kate or Kathy.
Nicknames could be:
My Favourite version of this name! I prefer it to Catherine or Katherine, it's much more unique, and pretty. Love it!
Terrible misspelling of Katherine. I know it has been in use for quite some time but it still looks trendy and weird. It's on the same level as Kaitlyn and Madelyn. It looks like the parents heard it somewhere and didn't know how to spell it.Katherine, Caitlin and Madeline or Madeleine are just so much better.
It's okay, but I prefer Katherine.
Good name! Feminine, has good sound, looks also not bad, just a really good name!
I have a nice teacher called Kathryn (I’m not telling you her surname for safety reasons) she fits the name well, she is young, kind and beautiful.
I'm a Kathryn tried and true! Growing up I always went by Katie and then later Kate, and back to Katie! Lol... now going by both because it's hard not to. I never cared for the name Kathryn but have always received compliments, now that I'm 40 I actually do see the beauty in it and am quite fond of being a Kathryn.♡.
My teacher's name and my best friend's middle name is Katheryn and I think the spelling and the name in general is beautiful.
My mom's name and my middle name is Kathryn and I appreciate it. In my opinion I love the name and think the spelling is just right.
In my opinion this is better than Katherine, but my favorite is Cathrin.
Oh no, not Katherine too.
Bruh moment when this is the only modernized spelling that people actually like.
So beautiful! I prefer it to Katherine, Catherine, and all those other versions out there.
I'm okay with my name -Kathryn- but I never liked the spelling. I am 100% Louisiana French Creole, and I have no clue why my parents chose this spelling. I would have preferred Catherine - more French! But I was allowed to choose my nickname and I chose "Kat". Oh how I wish I had chosen "Kate" instead!
Catherine/Katherine are already a bit harsh-sounding, I think that omitting a middle syllable in this spelling is a mistake. I do like how there are many nickname options but I would personally recommend a 3 syllable spelling to parents.
Don't like the spelling. I prefer Katherine.
The trendy version of Katherine.
Taking out the middle syllable makes classic, feminine Katherine sound cheap and nasty. It just sounds like someone not pronouncing Katherine properly. It’s like deliberately building slang into your baby’s name.
I’m a Kathryn who loves the name but dislikes the spelling, and I’ve always wished it were Catherine or Katherine. I find that the “-ryn” ending and completely removing the “er” from the middle just makes the name look nowhere near as classy or elegant as it sounds.
It sounds very harsh to me.
I think this spelling is okay as well as Katherine and Catherine.
My mum's name is Kathryn and everyone calls her Kat'.
My dad's name is Simon so if any one wants both of them they say Katsi or Kat's eye.
I Adore it and I personally don't like the name Kathleen or Cathrien.
My mom named me Kathryn after her mother and great aunt. My daughter also has the name Kathryn as a second middle name in honor of her great grandmother who died 6 months before she was born. I go by Kathy. My family only calls me by my given name.
I feel like the Y near the end gives it a sort of modern feeling while still looking quite proper and not completely constructed, like many modern names that use apostrophes or unconventional vowels.I'm very happy to have this as a middle name.
This is my name. I was named after my great grandmother. I like it, and I do get compliments on it. There aren't too many mispronunciations, in case expecting parents are worried about that. The downsides are that I always have to spell it, and since K/Catherine is a popular name there are always 2 or 3 saying "yes" when someone calls your name. Other than that I think it's great, and it's nice being named something that's been beloved for so many years.
I love the name Kathryn, my dad named me that with that particular spelling because it looked pretty next to my last name. He said I couldn't have a nickname but he was the first to call me Kat-Rat and now my friends call me Kat.
Kathryn is a beautiful name.
My favorite spelling is Catherine (3 syllables), but I like the 2-syllable Kathryn spelling if you want to use the nickname Katie or Kate.
I love the name Kathryn. Don't know why Catherine and Katherine are even spelt that way, people don't pronounce it like that.
Although I hate "creative" spellings I like Kathryn because it's not in that category, having often been used in England in medieval and Tudor times. As someone says above, its merit also lies in the fact that it's a true indication of the way Catherine is pronounced. While it's not as classic as Catherine/Katherine it is certainly legitimate, and far from trashy.
I think it makes a good middle name for a very short first name such as Lucy that might seem out of balance if Katherine was used along with a long surname.
This spelling looks ugly! Katherine is the most beautiful spelling I think.
This is my least favourite spelling of Katherine. I much prefer Catherine or Katheryn.
This is my mom's name. I really like it; it's beautiful.Kathryn Lasky is an author.
This is one of my favorite spellings of the name (second only to Catherine). Normally, I don't like alternate spellings of names, but I think that Kathryn is an established name that can stand on its own. I don't think that it's a trashy or ruined form of Katherine. I actually think that the y gives it a softer, more feminine feel than spelling it Katherine (not that Katherine isn't also lovely and feminine).
Why is Kathyrn so popular? Katherine is so classic. This just makes parents look like they're trying too hard.
I prefer this name to Katherine and Catherine, but that's probably because I know a Kathryn and she's the nicest, funniest person I know.
This is an awesome spelling of the traditional Catherine/Katherine. I've always loved the sound, but found those two names overused and... well, weak. And I realized that it was the spelling. Now, sticking a 'y' in a name usually lends it a trendy vibe, but Kathryn is an established name. (And to answer another poster's question, Henry's 5th wife--often called Catherine Howard--may have actually spelled her name Katheryn.)My favorite variant of the name is actually Katharyn, but I feel like if I actually used that variant on a future daughter, she would get her name misspelled *all the time*, with people forgetting the second 'a'. But Kathryn, though slightly shorter, is still an awesome spelling--much stronger than Catherine/Katherine.
No. Just no. Stick to Katherine.
This is my middle name and is my favourite name in the "Catherine" family. The spelling is short and sweet, spelled the way it's pronounced. This is also the only name I really like with a "Y" taking the place of an "I" sound. It manages to still sound traditional and beautiful.
"Kathryn" is my name, spelled in such a way because it was the way my great-grandmother spelled it. It's a simpler spelling - no silent 'e's here :) - but I do find it a bit wearing when I have to spell it for others. It has a rather more rustic look to it than "Catherine," which in my mind is a little too embellished. But I'm biased; I'm proud to spell my name the way it is. It's not "dumbing down" or "destroying" the name (in that line of thought, perhaps we all should be using the original Greek alphabet's spelling); it's just taking a different perspective on an old classic. And it's one I rather like. :)
Yuk. This spelling *butchers* the elegant, classic Katherine. It's a dumbed down spelling. Why do people dumb themselves down?
I love my name! When I was younger, however, I went through this phase where I hated my name so I had my teachers call me Katie. Worst mistake EVER! It can also be annoying having to tell people how to spell it. Like when people ask, "Is it with a C or a K?" and I say K but then have to spell my name for them after seeing them spell it Katherine for instance. Sometimes I wish it were spelled the traditional way, but other times I enjoy being unique.
Kathryn is so pretty, when I hear the name I think of a rose or tiger lily and a daffodil.
I don't really like this spelling the best, but it's alright, it's widely used and has been used for a long time, so it's not like the parents were being TOTALLY creative. I also have a friend named Katherine and that is my favorite spelling of the name. I don't like the nicknames Kate/Katie/Kathy but I love the nicknames Kat and Kitty. Most people call my friend Katherine Kat occasionally, like just for fun and stuff and we call Kathryn Kitty in the same manner. B.T.W., if you're going to use the name Katherine/Kathryn please choose a middle name besides Elizabeth! Thank you! Oh, and I also use the nickname Kit-Kat, that's my FAVORITE nickname for this name.
My aunty is called Kathryn, it just sounds so sophisticated and pretty. =]
This spelling is better than Catherine/Katherine because it is pronounced the way that it looks.
This is my name and I love it. Apart from the fact that no one can spell it. They always confuse it with other ways of spelling it but there are a lot of variations. If I had the choice of naming my child Kathryn or Katherine I would pick Kathryn. I mean it's easier to spell, it's pretty and it sounds nice too.
My name is Kathryn and I love the way it is spelled and spoken. I am really glad my parents chose this name for me, as I think it sounds beautiful when said properly. Most of my close friends and family call me "Kat", "Kitty Kat", or "Katarina" playfully. I also love the meaning of this name and this spelling certainly is more impressive than the others, the only problem is it's harder to find keyrings or fridge magnets with this spelling! If I wasn't called Kathryn, I would seriously consider calling my daughter Kathryn.
I agree. Why is there all this fuss about the spelling? But as I stated in the comments for the other spelling, I think Katherine is more playful and Kathryn is more serious. It's also easier to find in a word search.
What so bad about KathERINE? I actually perfer that way of spelling. Katherine just seems more softer, plus it's one of my friend's names. She usually goes by Katherine, not Katie or anything, which I'm glad about because I detest those nicknames. Kate, Kathy, Kat, or even Kitty is WAY better than Katie, IMO.
I love this spelling, because as well as having a vaguely Tudor feel to it (wasn't Henry VIII's last wife usually spelled 'Kathryn'?), the way it is written makes me think of a lovely necklace. It's the downward stroke of the 'K', and the tail of the 'y', that point towards each other. And the act of putting a necklace on somebody is usually a loving one; that's why this would be a good name for somebody who was cherished!
I don't get why people hate this name so much. Kathryn isn't my favorite name of the Katherine family (I prefer Katharina) but it's not horrible. Yeah, so it's a contracted form of Katherine. Tamsin's a contracted form of Thomasina, but you don't see people hating it because of that.
My real name is Kathryn, although most people usually call me Katie and have no clue my name is Kathryn. Although everyone calls me Katie, I wish I could be Kathryn sometimes. I've heard people call me Kat, Kath, Katie, Kathleen (even though this is not my name!), Catalina, and God knows what else! Anyway, I would totally recommend this name to parents who wanted to name their daughter Kathryn/Katherine/Katharina/Catherine. Oh, by the way, alert about the name Kathryn: when people freak out and get mad at you, they will totally call you Kathryn. I remember people that get annoyed at me for what ever reason call me Kathryn. I really used to dislike my name, especially due to all the stereotypes about it, but it sounds very royal. If you like names that sound royal, sophisticated, and classic, go for this name. If you like more modern names, go for something else.
I adore this spelling! It is much more classic than "Katherine". That just sounds kinda weird.
I hate this spelling! It looks tacky and lacks the history that Catherine and Katherine have. It looks like the parents were illiterate.
This name seems goofy to me because it is only 2 syllables (not 3 like Katherine). But still, it's not that bad compared to totally made up names.
Also, shouldn't name be marked as Modern English instead of just English?
My full name is Katherine, and I've always disliked it, but ever since I found this spelling, I've fallen in love with it. Kathryn looks much more... feminine? I'm not sure why, but I prefer it more. However, my brother says it sounds super feminist, like respelling womyn. Although I prefer this version, I presume it would cause trouble with people misspelling it frequently.
I'm a Kathryn and am very insistent that I'm called Kathryn and not Kathy (which I can't stand). I've never been crazy about my name, but I get compliments on it all the time. The way other people view it has made a positive difference in my own impression of it.
This name annoys me because I know so many Kathryns. I know an Anna Kathryn, Laura Kathryn and all kinds of Kathryns. So it just seems overused to me.
I love this name. I especially like how the "y" makes an "i" sound! I like all names with that. And the meaning is good too - "pure".
My great-grandma spelled her name like this. I like the full version, Katherine, a bit better though.
This is my aunt's name as well as my middle name. I think it is a lovely name. The "-rine" forms I would tend to pronounce kath-REEN but this one is spelt the way it is pronounced.
One of my best friends name's is Kathryn and she absolutely hates being called Kathy and some people still call her Katie after numerous corrections. That's annoying for any name :-). We call her Kat sometimes and I call her Katharena to get her attention occasionally ;-). This name is great, and by far the best version of this name.
My name is Kathryn and I really like this spelling much more than Cathryn, Katherine, and Catherine. I get called Katie usually (actually the only people that call me Kathryn are the Orthosontist and the Doctor). My friends sometimes call me Kit-Kat.
Kathryn Elizabeth has been a family name on my mother's side for generations, but up until a few days ago I always thought that everyone with this name on my mom's side spelled it like Katherine! I guess you learn something new every day. Anyway, my grandmother wasn't called by her first name, but she was called Betty because of her middle name. My aunt is called Kathy, and my cousin is called Katie. All in all, I think Kathryn is a wonderful name.
This is my name, and I've grown to love it - though EVERYONE calls me Kat and most don't even realize that my full name is Kathryn. My mom named me after Hepburn because she thought I was born on her birthday, but most sources have her name spelt Katherine and her birthday the day before mine :)
I like this spelling better than "Cathryn", "Catherine" or "Kathrine"
I love being a Kathryn! The only thing is you have to spell it every time or people spell it Katherine. I used to be the only Kathryn around, but now 2 of my close friends are Kathryns. It can get confusing!
This is my favorite spelling of Katherine (well, I like Ekaterina a lot, too). I just hate the nickname Kathy! Kitty, Kat and Kate are better nicknames for Kathryn (and all other spellings) than Kathy.
I love the name Kathryn. I changed my name to Kathryn nine years ago because it sounds so regal when spoken. Not Katherine, but Kathryn. It's just music to the ears.
I really dislike this spelling of Katherine. I feel that it has sort of destroyed it. There are other spellings and forms that I do like: Katherine, Katharine, Catherine, Katarina, Katariina, Catalina, and Kateri.
I like the spelling of this name. I have a friend named Kathryn and she is funny, friendly, and quite crazy, but she's a cool person. She doesn't like her name very much, though! :)

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