Comments (Personal Impression Only)

The name Kathy is always beautiful to me. I have an amazing family member with that name and whenever people mention it I associate it with positive things.
I love the name Kathy and one of my best friends is named Kathy so I will name one of my kids that for sure anyway great name old fashioned and unique and not that common.
My two favorites girl's names for two daughters are Isabelle and Katherine -- Kathy is an amazing, cute, aesthetic nickname for Katherine! It's better than Kate / Katie / Katy in my opinion c:
This name is the best name to exist, you guys are so disrespectful and rude, and racist.
Cute name!
Guys, why do you think Kathy is so ugly? It's a beautiful diminutive for Katherine.
I like this as a nickname for Katherine. Why do so many people hate this?
It's okay. Maybe a little dated.
Ugly name.
Ugly nickname for Katherine.
I do believe the popularity of the name Kathy is going down more and more each year. I was born in 1972 and it was a name one would hear of often. But for me in school from kindergarten to my college year I was the ONLY one in my class to have that name! Did have a student in my 6 grade class named Kathryn, and she went by Katie. My full name is Katharine Marie. The name Katharine is spelled the way my father's mother had hers spelled. We are of Scot-Irish decent.
I like Kathy as a nickname better than Katie. Katie is way too overused. I think Kathy is such a cute name.
I love the name Kathryn/Katherine. I wish it were mine. If it were I would use the Kathy nickname. It is so much cuter than Kate/Katie, which I can't stand, quite the opposite of some of the other users.
Eh. Sounds like a middle-aged housewive's name. It's often a form of Kathleen. I have two friends named Kathleen, both choose to go by Katie and absolutely hate Kathy. Plus, my friend's mom is named Kathy, and she's a witch.
I don't like this nickname for Katherine. I prefer Kate, and Katie.

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