Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This name is so pretty! I prefer the “Kur-stin” pronunciation!
Such a beautiful name. One of my favorite names, I also love the spelling Kirsten.
My name is Kirstin and sometimes I don't like it because everyone spells it Kirsten or Kristen IT'S SO ANNOYING! I still love my name anyhow, it's just so uncommon, I've never met anybody else with my name which is epic!
My name is Kirstin, and I pronounce it KUR-stin. Almost every person I meet calls me Kristin, and every person who attempts to write my name always either spells it Kirsten or Kristen. Only my friends and family actually know how to correctly pronounce and spell it. However, I actually really like my name. I love the fact that it is very uncommon, and I think it sounds beautiful. Given the chance, I would not trade my name for any other.
Oh, such a pretty name! I never noticed until I saw it by coincidence!
Very beautiful name, I prefer this spelling instead of Kirsten. I only knew one of person with this name and she pronounced it KUR-stin.
This is such a pretty name.
Kirstin is a pretty name for a girl.

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