Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think the reason some people think it sounds like a girl's name is because of Kyoshi from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
However, I love this name personally and think it's really cute for boys too :).
I love the name Kiyoshi for a boy! It is such a powerful name! Some of its meanings are pure and peace. Imagine if more men had a name like that! What a powerful thing that would be! Many great men have had this name. I personally know a few men in the United States named Kiyoshi. The name is perfect for them. They are all very brilliant, talented, educated, and peaceful men.
Kiyoshi seems more like a girl’s name than a boy’s name! I’ll agree it can be used on boys and girls, but I don’t really like it as a boy’s name as much as a girl’s name myself! Seems too feminine, graceful, flowery, and delicate for a guy. Kiyoshi is a beautiful name anyway, but I wouldn’t use it myself, because I’m not Japanese. I love this name for a girl!
I'm half Japanese and half Irish-American, born in Niigata, Japan in 1950. The kanji for my name, KIYOSHI, means "pure" or "purity". I agree that Kiyoshi sounds very feminine (in the USA). In fact, I often get mail from companies and the government addressed to "Mrs." Kiyoshi Hannigan and my wife (nee Teruyo Ichikawa) gets mailed addressed to "Mr." Teri Hannigan (LOL)!
Sounds more like a feminine name to me. I think it would be better for a girl.
I agree that it sounds very feminine.

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