Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I just discovered this name and immediately fell in love with how exquisite & unique it is. But I can fully assure you that a huge percentage of people would find it difficult to pronounce.
Don't like the pronunciation.
“Lock” is a cool nickname. I prefer “Lock” to “Lockie”. Yes, I know I’m not pronouncing it properly. No, I don’t care. Americans and Australians won’t know the difference. Only Scots will.
Wait, people are using this for girls too? I can't even imagine a GIRL having this name, she'll be teased and bullied in school. This is a beautiful and strong BOY name.
Lachlan is a family name of some Scottish ancestors. We're American. But my middle granddaughter is named Locklan and it goes with her Scot last name Mc and she's the only person we know with that name. We like unique names. Her siblings are Phoenix and Blaze. I didn't realize the name Lachlan was so popular in Australia. It is rarely, if ever heard in America, although since her parents used it for my granddaughter, I know of at least one other baby who has that name now. I think it's a beautiful name but notice, we did change the spelling. We Americans must seem pretty crazy to everybody else.
So unique.
I like the name Lachlan, but I can see it having a lot of pronunciation problems in the United States.
This is so popular in Australia, but I've never heard it in the US. How do you pronounce it?
I am sick of this name. Where I live, it seems like every other little boy is named this. It's getting boring. It's not even a nice-sounding name.
Another variant for Lachlan is Loch. I think that this name is very masculine. Although I have trouble finding a middle name for it.
This name had to grow on me, but I really like it now. PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO TURN THIS INTO A FEMININE NAME. So many male names have been turned into feminine names and now there's few good names left for boys.
I know it isn't anywhere near the same word, but this name always makes me happy because it looks a lot like the German word lächeln--aka "smile!"
I have a friend who spells it Laughlin, which I like better.
Lachlan is such a lovely name, although often mangled beyond all recognition. My boyfriend's name is Lachlan, and I have had to suffer through years of teachers and friends butchering it. I've heard "Latchlawn", "Latchlan", "Lacklan", "Locklawn"...I still love the name though. It sounds very strong and smart.
Now please understand before I say anything else: Lachlan is a fine name. It's solid and enduring. It sounds handsome in a self-deprecating sort of way. It still has upwardly mobile, socially aspirant connotations, yet is so common and ordinary that is completely free of snobbery.But please try to imagine yourself in a world where the name Lachlan has been popular and well-used, not just for a few years, but for several decades. Imagine that for your entire lifetime there have been numerous Lachlans who have been your friends, relatives, workmates and members of your footy team.Now imagine that Lachlan becomes even more popular - sure, if you look at the BTN popularity for Australia it says Lachlan has been a top 5 name for over a decade now.But that is only for one state, and doesn't take into account local popularity.Lachlan was the number ONE name in my home town last year. And the year before. And the year before that. In fact it's been #1 for more than ten years now.Can you imagine a world where people are always introducing you to their brother Lachlan, uncle Lachlan, best friend Lachlan and their son Lachlan? Now can you please have some level of sympathy when I say I AM REALLY BORED WITH THE NAME LACHLAN NOW. PLEASE MAKE IT STOP.
When ever I see this spelling of the name I read 'Lack-len' I never got how it was 'Lock-len' like an a making an o sound?
Wow. What an incredibly handsome, strong name for a boy or man. This is a great name.
I love this name and think it would be perfect for our son. Alas, my husband hates it and thinks it sounds like a name I am making up to sound cool.
I have a cousin named this, and I have seen him grow from a cute toddler to a full-sized man, and the name has grown with him. It's an excellent name, and I can see it becoming more popular soon, and in Australia it's become very common already. I do prefer the spelling Lochlan though.
OH, please don't try to turn this into a girls name. GEEZE. There are enough girl names to go around, without taking a sexy, handsome, masculine and proud name like this and turning it into something butchy and semi-feminine. Signed, a girl with a guy name and I HATE it! (Ashley)
This is such a cool, smart, handsome name! It should definitely be used more.
And might I be so bold as to suggest it as a girls name if varied as Lachlyn?
You can suggest Lachlyn for a girl, but I truly hope no one takes you up on it. Lachlan, on the other hand, is a fine, handsome boy's name.
Lachlan is a nice name for a boy or a man. It sounds strong, handsome, and smart.
Definitely one of the coolest names I've ever heard. I love the sound and look. Fabulous!
My neighbour's grandson is called Lachlan and he is so cute! I think this name can be really nice but I imagine it gets pronounced wrongly a lot, especially outside Scotland - either by people who can't pronounce the ch sound properly so it ends up as Locklan which is awful, or by pronouncing the a as 'ah' instead of 'aw'.

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