Comments (Pronunciation Only)

I really dislike this name pronounced the American way (as lock-lin). Pronounced the Scottish way, with the hard -ch, it's a lot better, but the American pronunciation just seems whiny and awkward to me.
There is some confusion over the names of "Lachlan" which is pronounced as "Lack" lan and the completely different name of "Lochlan" which is pronounced "Lock" lan".
It's pronounced how it is spelt LA-chlan with the ch making the sort of scraping noise that is at the end of the word loch rather than the ch at the start of church for example. Apologies for the dodgey description but it's the best I can do!
My son is called Lachlan (although he's only two, so calls himself wacken) I live in Scotland but I am English and back home people are unfamiliar with the ch sound so it is often pronounced lacklan. Although that isn't as annoying as people saying lochlan, which is a different name altogether. I think people get mixed up with laughlan.
It means "from the land of the lochs" or "warrior of the lochs".
Should be pronounced as 'lack-lan' but is commonly mispronounced as 'lock-lan' both in Scotland (where you would think we'd know better) and elsewhere.

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